Practices in Germany are mostly private, which belong to the owner.
There are also group practices which include several owners, usually 2 or more doctors.
All practice owners are organized by law under the KV (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung).
Each state has its own KV.
All KV are organized by the KBV (Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung).
The KBV is responsible for all of Germany, and the respective KV for each state.
For example, the KV Bavaria is responsible for the state of Bavaria, but it functions under the KBV.
In Germany there is a GKV (statutory health insurance) and a PKV (private health insurance).
About 90% of Germans are insured in GKV and the rest in PKV.
The KV as the body of physicians, negotiates the contracts with the GKV and PKV.
Once a doctor opens or takes over a practice, he automatically gets a contract with GKV and PKV.
He does not have to sign separate agreements with each health insurance.
The profit of a medical practice has increased in recent years.
According to the Federal Statistical Office , there are vast income differences among doctors depending on their field. In 2011, General Practitioner practices’ net income was an average of 181,000€, Paediatric practices were up to 191,000€, Orthopaedic practices 293,000€ and Dermatologists- STDs practices 249,000€.
From this physician’s income you should deduct about 35% for tax, your pension and your medical insurance.
The remainder is the amount available for you.
Hereby we describe you a picture of the conditions of private practices in Germany.
The working conditions and earning potential are significantly better than in hospitals and other medical practice facilities.
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