Doc2Have - Praxisvermittlung für Europäische Ärzte
Doc2Have - Praxisvermittlung für Europäische Ärzte

Take over a practice in Germany, without requiring your own capital or a bank loan - Become your own boss.

Are you looking for work in a hospital?

Then you are making a mistake here!

We provide private practices to doctors from the EU.


To help you understand why I'm offering this service you need to know a few things about me:


My name is Vassilios Tsilofitis.

I am a pharmacist and since 1993 I own “Werratal Pharmacy”  in Wasungen , in Thuringia.

In 2013, I was asked by 2 general practitioners, Dipl. Med. Petra Hahn and Dr. Richardt, who had their private practices above my pharmacy, to help them find a successor to their practices due to their retirement at the end of 2014.

For two years the two doctors had been unsuccessfully looking for a successor from Germany.

Since the doctors wanted to close their practices without successors, I searched for doctors abroad and Pilar Ciezar Garcia from Spain and Grimalauskiené-Suchina from Lithuania took over the practices. Both physicians have been active successfully since July 2014 and are still very happy with their professional decision. Feel free to contact both or any of them and have a conversation in person - see also the local newspaper article!


Why is it so difficult for German doctors to find a successor?

  1. There are more doctors going in pension every year than new doctors entering the market (demographics)
  2. Inflexibility: German GPs usually settle down near their birthplace and the Specialists usually close to the hospital where they did their training.
  3. Doctors who are coming to Germany are mostly interns. Foreign Specialists tend to work for several years in hospitals before they settle down.
  4. The growing proportion of women (33.6% in 1991 to 42.2% in 2009, 60% of medical students are women) leads to
  5. Fewer full-time positions, as women often face intense family responsibilities (Physician Supply).



In many areas the practice owner who goes into retirement finds no successor and the practice is closed.


I am willing to use my knowledge for you - this service is free!

Are you curious or have more questions?

For detailed information on how to proceed, we suggest you fill in our contact form.


Rezept gegen Ärztemangel vom Apotheker Zeitungsartikel vom 11. April 2015
Sie haben einen guten Leumund Zeitungsartikel vom 11. April 2015
press report for download
source: Meininger Tageblatt
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
